Video testimonials £10-30

Project Title: Video Testimonials

Project Description:

I am looking for a freelancer who can create video testimonials for my software product. The testimonials should be less than 1 minute in length and will be based on a specific script that I will provide.

Skills and Experience Required:

- Video editing and production

- Experience in creating engaging and persuasive video content

- Ability to follow a specific script and deliver the desired message effectively

- Attention to detail and ability to capture the essence of the software product in the testimonials

Ideal Freelancer:

The ideal freelancer for this project would have experience in creating video testimonials for software products. They should have strong video editing skills and the ability to deliver a compelling message within a short timeframe. Attention to detail and the ability to follow a specific script are also crucial for this project.

Skills required
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About This Client

Mae A. Caro

0.00 (0 Reviews)
Maryland, United States
10 jobs posted
€0.00 Total Spent
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