Brand/website promotion video £1500-12500

am looking for a freelancer to create a brand/website promotion video for my business. The video should ideally be between 1-3 minutes in length. The main goal of the video is to promote a product or service that my company offers. I would like the video to be created using a mixed media format, incorporating both animation and live action footage.

Skills and experience required:

- Experience in creating promotional videos

- Proficiency in animation and video editing software

- Ability to combine different media formats seamlessly

- Creativity and the ability to effectively communicate the brand message through visuals and storytelling

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €3,000.00)
Image Toby Joyce (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €3,000.00

Can you please provide more information about the specific tasks that need to be completed?



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Hayden S. Tong

0.00 (0 Reviews)
Manchester, Jamaica
10 jobs posted
€0.00 Total Spent
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