Traffic violation detection system project £600-1500

I am looking for someone to create a traffic violation detection system for me. Specifically, I am looking for the system to detect when a driver goes through a red light or is speeding. Furthermore, I am looking for the system to provide real-time detection and reporting; that way, I know right away when a violation has occurred. Additionally, I do have some specific requirements and features that I would like the system to have, and I am looking for a freelancer who is knowledgeable and do the best to meet these. I am excited to get started on this project!
Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €1,500.00)
Image Love Queen Berg (5 Reviews) Bidded Price: €1,500.00

I am willing to work with you to develop a scope of work and pricing structure that meets your needs.



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About This Client

Kristen G. Dalton

5.00 (2 Reviews)
Bayern, Germany
15 jobs posted
€1,500.00 Total Spent
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