Template for used car advertise Status: Open Prize: £10

Contest Brief

I am looking for a freelancer to create a modern advertisement template for my used car business. The ideal candidate should have experience in designing advertisement templates and be familiar with the modern style.

- Experience in designing advertisement templates
- Familiarity with modern design style
- Ability to create a template that showcases detailed car specifications
- Attention to detail and ability to incorporate high-quality images into the template

- Graphic design
- Template design
- Attention to detail
- Ability to work with high-quality images

If you have experience in creating modern advertisement templates and can incorporate detailed car specifications, please submit your proposal.
The template should be editable with a simple ways such as word or excel ,to include a space for the car photo , general specs , dealer details and price .

Skills required
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Kristen G. Dalton

5.00 (2 Reviews)
Bayern, Germany
15 jobs posted
€1,500.00 Total Spent
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