survey project £750-1250 / hour

Survey Project

Target Audience:

- General population

Main Objective:

- Market research

Survey Questions:

- The survey should contain 10-20 questions

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Experience in designing and conducting surveys

- Knowledge of market research methodologies and best practices

- Strong analytical skills to interpret survey data

- Ability to create visually appealing and user-friendly survey interfaces

- Excellent communication skills to effectively communicate survey objectives and results

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €1,000.00)
Image Liam Murph (4 Reviews) Bidded Price: €1,000.00

Hi there, I am the best here! Please check out my profile and see what others have to say about the work I've done related to the skills you're looking for. Hope to work together soon. Thanks!



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About This Client

Guy M. Endo

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Appenzell-Ausser Rhoden, Switzerland
13 jobs posted
€1,790.00 Total Spent
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