stripe payment gateway £600-5000

am looking for a freelancer who can integrate the Stripe payment gateway into my WordPress website. I need a one-time payment solution for my website. The ideal candidate should have experience with WordPress and Stripe integration.

Skills and experience needed:

- Experience with WordPress

- Experience with Stripe payment gateway integration

- Familiarity with e-commerce and payment processing

- Attention to detail and ability to troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the integration process

Skills required
2 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €5,000.00)
Image ferreira rodrigues (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €5,000.00

I am a proactive and self-motivated individual. I am able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. I am a positive and enthusiastic individual.

Image ferreira rodrigues (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €5,000.00

I am a proactive and self-motivated individual. I am able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. I am a positive and enthusiastic individual.



2    Bids

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About This Client

Clifford J. Groll

5.00 (3 Reviews)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
13 jobs posted
€1,420.00 Total Spent
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