scottish law £10-300 / hour

am a defender against a petition raised against me in relation to property I purchased years ago. Previous owner has raised a summery application against me in the sheriff court. I have to answer the petition by lunch time tomorrow. I have just discovered that the Petitioner has falsified evidence x2.

I need advice on how to handle this situation, perhaps lodge a motion to obtain a warrant for the court to demand the evidence of falsification.

This is short notice I need advice today

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1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €300.00)
Image Ray McMillan (2 Reviews) Bidded Price: €300.00

I am a problem solver and I am able to find creative solutions to challenges. I am adaptable and I am able to learn new things quickly. I am flexible and I am able to work with different types of clients.



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Guy M. Endo

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Appenzell-Ausser Rhoden, Switzerland
13 jobs posted
€1,790.00 Total Spent
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