Photographer £1500-12500

I'm looking for a talented photographer to help capture some special moments with professional-grade images. My project consists of portrait photography, but I am open to the photographer's suggestion on the ideal location for the shoot. Editing and retouching services are not necessary as I would like to keep the natural look of the photos. If you think you have what it takes to create beautiful photography that captures the emotion of these moments, I'd love to hear from you. Thank you for your consideration.
Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €12,500.00)
Image Morin jessie (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €12,500.00

I am excited about the opportunity to work on your project and I look forward to helping you achieve your goals.



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About This Client

Michael M. Cupples

5.00 (7 Reviews)
Coquimbo, Chile
17 jobs posted
€15,500.00 Total Spent
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