Logo Addition and Formatting for 514 Forms in Word Documents 23 £10-100

am seeking a skilled freelancer to assist me with a project involving the addition of a logo and formatting adjustments to a set of 514 forms in Word documents. The primary objective of this project is to ensure consistency and professionalism across these forms. Below are the project details:

Scope of Work:

Add Logo: Insert a specified logo to all pages of 514 Word documents.

Adjust Fields: Adjust the fields to appear professional.

Footer Formatting: Adjust the footer of each page in the Word documents to match the same 'Inside Page Template.'

The length of the forms range from 1-5 per form.

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €100.00)
Image Morin jessie (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €100.00

I am a team player and I am always willing to collaborate with my clients to achieve the best possible results. I am highly organized and efficient worker, and I am always able to meet deadlines.



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About This Client

Logan L. Callier

0.00 (0 Reviews)
Al Asimah, Kuwait
10 jobs posted
€0.00 Total Spent
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