create Graphic design and short video clip using anime character £10-30

Graphic Design and Short Video Clip Creation with Anime Character

Skills and Experience:

- Strong expertise in illustration, logo design, and animation

- Proficiency in creating graphics and videos using anime characters

- Familiarity with virtual idol character design

Project Details:

I am looking for a talented graphic designer who can create an illustration and a short video clip using an anime character. The purpose of the video clip is for educational purposes, so the ideal candidate should have experience in creating informative and engaging content.


- The project requires an illustration of a virtual idol character in a style that aligns with the client's preference.

- The chosen anime character should be visually appealing, and captivating, and convey the desired educational message effectively.

Video Clip:

- The video clip should be designed to educate the audience on a specific topic.

- It should incorporate the virtual idol character and utilize animation techniques to bring the content to life.

- The animation style should be engaging, eye-catching, and suitable for educational purposes.

- Video content will be provided

Preferred Style:

- The client has expressed the need to use a virtual idol character, providing an opportunity for the designer to showcase their creativity and expertise in this area.

- The style of the anime character will be given. A sample of the virtual idol is attached

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €30.00)
Image Deborah Thomas (1 Reviews) Bidded Price: €30.00

I am always available to answer questions and address any concerns that my clients may have. I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to deliver high-quality results on your project.



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About This Client

Clément L. Griff

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Valga, Estonia
14 jobs posted
€9,980.00 Total Spent
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