Performance management £12500-37500

I am looking for a freelancer to help me with performance management for a large team. This includes setting up KRA/KPI for all levels of employees, as well as performance evaluations. We do not currently have any performance management systems or tools in place, so we need assistance with the full setup. We are looking for an individual or organization with a proven track record of performance management experience and expertise. Your understanding of current best practices is appreciated, as well as the guidance and implementation of strategies to measure and improve team performance. The successful freelancer will have an eye for detail and an understanding of the complexities involved in performance management. An appreciation of the importance of organization culture, fair and consistent assessments, and the continuous monitoring of performance indicators is also desired. If you have the knowledge and skills to help us achieve our desired goals for team performance then we look forward to hearing from you.
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Victor J. Scott

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Scotland, United Kingdom
10 jobs posted
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