Odoo external API -- 2 £8-15 / hour

I am looking for a freelancer who can integrate an external API with my Odoo system. The specific Odoo module that needs to be integrated with the API is the API module.

Skills and experience required:

- Strong knowledge and experience in integrating APIs with Odoo

- Expertise in working with the Odoo modules.

The project requires fetching specific data from the API, including customer data, sales data, and product data.

Ideal skills and experience required:

- Proficiency in working with APIs and retrieving data

- Familiarity with handling customer data, sales data, and product data

The data should be fetched from the API on a daily basis. Therefore, the freelancer should be able to set up a system that fetches the data daily and updates it in the Odoo system.

Ideal skills and experience required:

- Experience in setting up automated data fetching and updating systems

- Knowledge of scheduling tasks in Odoo

If you have the required skills and experience, please submit your proposal with examples of similar projects you have worked on.

Skills required
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Theresa R. Erickson

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Arges, Romania
13 jobs posted
€2,500.00 Total Spent
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