Looking for a social media manager to create our brand presence in pltforms like Insta,Fb,etc. £1500-12500

am looking for a social media manager who can help create our brand presence on Facebook and Instagram . Our specific goal for our social media presence is to generate new leads for our business. As for the frequency of posting, we are open to suggestions from the social media manager.

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Proven experience in managing social media accounts, particularly on Facebook and Instagram.

- Strong understanding of lead generation strategies and tactics on social media

- Ability to create engaging and compelling social media content

- Familiarity with Facebook's and instagram's advertising platform and targeting options

- Excellent communication and collaboration skills to work with our team and understand our brand voice and values.

- Commission based payout.

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €1,000.00)
Image Harrison Dunn (4 Reviews) Bidded Price: €1,000.00

I have carefully reviewed the project description and have a clear understanding of the requirements. I am confident that I can complete the project on time and within budget.



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About This Client

Clément L. Griff

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Valga, Estonia
14 jobs posted
€9,980.00 Total Spent
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