Logo for my online general store £30-250

Project Description:

I am starting a new enterprise and I am in need of a modern and minimalistic logo for my online general store. I am open to suggestions for colors and symbols, but I would like the logo to be clean and simple.

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Graphic design

- Logo design

- Experience creating modern and minimalistic logos

- Creativity and ability to come up with unique and eye-catching designs

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €250.00)
Image Ray McMillan (2 Reviews) Bidded Price: €250.00

I am a team player and I am always willing to go the extra mile.



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About This Client

Sharon D. Brown

0.00 (0 Reviews)
Auckland, Australia
11 jobs posted
€0.00 Total Spent
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