Integrate Stripe Payment API into ASP Classic website £250-750

I am looking for a freelancer to integrate the Stripe Payment API into my ASP Classic website.

Skills and experience required:

- Proficiency in ASP Classic

- Experience integrating payment gateways, specifically Stripe

- Familiarity with the Stripe Payment API and its documentation

- Strong understanding of payment processing and security protocols

The project involves:

- Integrating Stripe Payment API to enable payment processing on my website

- Ensuring a seamless and secure payment experience for users

- Implementing necessary error handling and validation for payment transactions

Please note that I already have a Stripe account set up, so no additional setup would be required. The focus of this project is solely on integrating the Stripe Payment API for payment processing.

If you have prior experience with Stripe integration and ASP Classic websites, please provide examples of your work.

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Theresa R. Erickson

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Arges, Romania
13 jobs posted
€2,500.00 Total Spent
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