Improve Speed for Wordpress Website £1500-12500

am looking for a skilled developer to improve the speed of my Wordpress website. The current loading speed of the website is more than 4 seconds, which is not ideal. The entire website is slow, and I would like to reduce the load time to under 2 seconds.

Ideal skills and experience for this job include:

- Strong proficiency in Wordpress development

- Experience optimizing website performance and load times

- Knowledge of caching techniques and server-side optimizations

- Familiarity with performance testing and optimization tools

- Ability to identify and troubleshoot slow sections of the website

- Understanding of best practices for code and asset optimization

- Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail

Skills required
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Clifford J. Groll

5.00 (3 Reviews)
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
13 jobs posted
€1,420.00 Total Spent
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