Fix Inventory Issue for amazon India £1500-12500

am looking for a freelancer who can help me fix an inventory issue I am facing with my Amazon India account.

Specific Issue:

- The specific issue I am facing is missing inventory.

Affected Products:

- This issue is affecting many products in my inventory.

Access to Information:

- I have all the necessary account information, including login details and previous inventory records.

Ideal Skills and Experience:

- Experience with Amazon India inventory management

- Strong knowledge of Amazon seller central

- Proficiency in handling missing inventory issues

- Attention to detail to accurately sync inventory with sales

- Ability to troubleshoot and resolve inventory discrepancies efficiently.

Skills required
1 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €2,000.00)
Image Liam Murph (4 Reviews) Bidded Price: €2,000.00

Hello, I'm excited to bid on your project. I'm confident in my ability to deliver on time and within budget. Let's discuss the project scope in more detail.



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About This Client

Kristen G. Dalton

5.00 (2 Reviews)
Bayern, Germany
15 jobs posted
€1,500.00 Total Spent
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