Digital Painting £1500-12500

Digital Painting Project - Realistic Landscape

I want something very similar to attached picture but want to change some characters in this

I am looking for a talented digital artist who specializes in realistic digital painting to create a landscape artwork for me. The ideal candidate should have experience in creating realistic and detailed digital paintings.

Subject Matter: Landscape

The painting should depict a stunning landscape scene, capturing the beauty of nature. It should include elements such as mountains, trees, water bodies, and other natural features. The artist should be able to create a sense of depth and realism in the artwork.

Color Preferences and Themes: Yes

I want something very similar to this but want to change some characters in this

I have specific color preferences and themes in mind for the painting. I would like the artwork to have a warm color palette with vibrant greens, blues, and earthy tones. The theme should convey a peaceful and serene atmosphere, evoking a sense of tranquility.

Skills and Experience:

- Proven experience in digital painting, particularly in creating realistic landscapes

- Proficiency in digital painting software such as Photoshop, Corel Painter, or Procreate

- Strong understanding of color theory and composition

- Ability to create detailed and intricate artwork with a high level of realism

- Excellent attention to detail and ability to capture the beauty of nature accurately

If you have the skills and experience required for this project, please provide examples of your previous work in realistic

Skills required
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About This Client

Clément L. Griff

5.00 (4 Reviews)
Valga, Estonia
14 jobs posted
€9,980.00 Total Spent
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