Canva app, Capcut app, background eraser website £750-1250 / hour

 am looking for a freelancer who can provide design creation assistance for the Canva app. The intended purpose of the design is for print materials.

Skills and Experience:

- Proficiency in using the Canva app

- Strong design skills and creativity

- Knowledge of print design principles and specifications

- Attention to detail and ability to deliver high-quality designs

- Ability to understand and follow brand guidelines

- Effective communication and collaboration skills

Graphic Design Photoshop Logo Design Photoshop Design 3D Design

Project ID: #37257425

About the project

2 proposalsOpen for biddingRemote projectActive 1 min ago

2 freelancers are bidding on average ₹1000/hour for this job

durgesh8527's Profile Picture
₹1000 INR / hour
(84 Reviews)
abdulazizmg92's Profile Picture
₹1000 INR / hour
(2 Reviews)
Skills required
2 freelancers are bidding for this job (Average: €475.00)
Image Toby Joyce (3 Reviews) Bidded Price: €200.00

I am confident that I have the skills and experience necessary to complete your project to a high standard.

Image Ray McMillan (2 Reviews) Bidded Price: €750.00

I am available to start working on the project immediately and can meet your deadline.



2    Bids

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About This Client

Kristen G. Dalton

5.00 (2 Reviews)
Bayern, Germany
15 jobs posted
€1,500.00 Total Spent
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